Factory Falls files license application for 125 kW Gilman Dam Hydroelectric

Factory Falls files license application for 125 kW Gilman Dam Hydroelectric
(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission )

Factory Falls Inc. has filed a license application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for the 125 kW Gilman Dam Hydroelectric Project (P-9650) in Vermont.

The project is located on the Black River in the city of Springfield, Windsor County, Vermont. The existing FERC license was issued in July 1986 and expires on June 30, 2026.

The existing project facilities will be reused with no major changes anticipated and consist of a 7-ft-high, 190-ft-long dam with a crest elevation of 421 ft mean sea level; a small impoundment with a surface area of 1 acre; an intake structure; a 4-ft-diamter and 175-ft-long steel penstock; a powerhouse with one 125 kW unit; the 0.6 kV generator leads and the 0.6/4.16 kV transformer; and a 4.16-kV and 50-ft-long transmission line.

In the application, Factory Falls is not proposing any project changes except to support environmental measures. As a result of the relicensing process, agency consultation and site specific evaluation, Factory Falls is proposing the following protection, mitigation and enhancement (PME) measures:

  • Continuation of run‐of‐river operations.
  • Increase aesthetic flow to 1 in over spillway while reserving right to complete aesthetic study in the future to reduce the aesthetic flow.
  • Operation of downstream fish passage in the fall in addition to the current spring requirement.
  • Develop a flow management, monitoring and maintenance plan after the new license is issued.
  • Install American eel passage in the future upon request (not requested by agencies at this time).
  • Install trashracks in‐kind or in consultation with agencies in the future. 
  • Consult agencies regarding water quality when field study finalized.