FERC July monthly meeting includes multiple hydropower actions

FERC July monthly meeting includes multiple hydropower actions

During its July 25 public meeting, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission undertook several actions related to hydropower permits and licenses. A summary of those orders is listed below:

RAMM Power Group LLC, order issuing preliminary permit for P-15248 and order denying extension of time request for preliminary permit for P-14869. Under P-15248, the company will study the 150 MW Sacaton Energy Storage Project in Pinal County, Ariz.

New England Hydropower Company LLC, order issuing preliminary permit for P-15327. New England Hydropower will study the feasibility of developing the 500 kW Middlebury Falls Hydroelectric Project in Addison County, Vt.

LinkPast Solutions Inc., order denying preliminary permit application for P-15302. LinkPast Solutions proposed to study the feasibility of the 5.5 MW Sewalls Island Hydro Project in Jefferson County, N.Y., at the site of the Sewalls Island Development, a component of Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.’s Black River Hydroelectric Project P-2569. The order finds that LinkPast’s proposed project could substantially alter Erie’s operations at Sewalls Island, in contravention of section 6 of the Federal Power Act.

Erie Boulevard Hydropower L.P., order addressing arguments raised on rehearing and setting aside prior order for P-2701. The order sets aside in part the Oct. 2, 2023, Notice Denying Late Intervention and grants Citizens for Hinckley Lake’s motion to intervene in Erie Boulevard Hydropower’s application for new license proceeding for the West Canada Creek Hydroelectric Project.

River Roar Energy LLC, order addressing arguments raised on rehearing related to the Commission’s May 6, 2024, letter order rejecting River Roar Energy’s notice of intent to construct a qualifying conduit hydropower facility in Rutland County, Vt. The order further explains and sustains the result of the May 6 letter order.

Green Mountain Power Corporation, order addressing arguments on rehearing and denying clarification for P-5261, addresses arguments raised on rehearing filed by Green Mountain Power regarding downstream fish passage flow requirements in the subsequent license issued on March 28, 2024, for the 365 kW Newbury Hydroelectric Project in Orange County, Vt. The order further explains and sustains the result of the March 28 order and denies the licensee’s request for clarification.

ECOsponsible LLC, order addressing arguments raised on rehearing and setting aside prior order in part for P-9709. The order responds to arguments raised on rehearing by Dennis Ryan, Jr. of an April 3, 2024, delegated letter order in which Commission staff rejected a Notice of Intent and Pre-Application Document for the Herkimer Hydroelectric Project, proposed for Herkimer County, N.Y. The order further explains and sets aside, in part, the April 2024 Letter Order.

Antelope Valley Water Storage LLC, order addressing arguments raised on rehearing, related to a rehearing request by Antelope Valley Water Storage of Commission staff’s March 21, 2024, order finding licensing is required for the proposed Antelope Valley Water Storage Aquifer Pumped Hydroelectric Project in Kern County, Calif.  The order further explains and sustains Commission staff’s March 21, 2024, order finding that licensing is required because the project would use water from the California State Water Project, which is water from navigable waters.  In addition, the project would include an intake “in” a non-navigable Commerce Clause stream, constructed after 1935, and would affect interstate commerce, which meets the Commission’s three-part test for mandatory licensing.

FERC also issued another order for the Holtwood Hydroelectric Project related to a debris management plan.