Itaipu board approves five-year strategic plan for 14 GW hydro project

Itaipu board approves five-year strategic plan for 14 GW hydro project

The Board of Directors of ITAIPU Binacional approved the ITAIPU Binational Strategic Plan for the period 2023 to 2027 to define the objectives, policies, fundamental guidelines and business strategies of the entity, which operates the 14 GW Itaipu hydro project.

The Itaipu project is located on Parana River and is shared by Brazil and Paraguay.

BNamericas reported that to fulfill the company’s mission and vision, three strategic objectives stand out: the safety of energy production with the best quality indices; business sustainability with transparency and effectiveness in the application of economic and financial resources; and sustainable development in the areas of interest, considering the particularities of each country.

Plan details were not disclosed.

In addition, the board met to discuss financial issues.

There was also a presentation on the progress of the Binational Working Group to carry out pre-feasibility studies regarding increasing the installed capacity of Itaipu with other sources of renewable energy, such as solar. In addition to hydroelectric production, the company supports biogas projects, biodigesters, eco-stoves and the installation of photovoltaic panels in isolated communities.

With regard to Itaipu’s Technological Update Plan, which will be implemented within a period of 14 years and is in full execution, it was reported that three-dimensional mapping of the plant is under way, which will provide a virtual model of the entire plant.

In an update by the Technical Directorate, improved inflow and, consequently, energy production compared to 2021 (despite the country’s water crisis) were discussed.

Regarding environmental actions, the initiatives promoted by Itaipu Binacional for the care and control of water quality were discussed. And progress in the reforestation and conservation of about 1,000 hectares of protected areas was highlighted, as was management for the control of forest fires.