Romania’s 220-MW Vidraru hydro facility to undergo refurbishment

The 220-MW Vidraru hydro facility, on the Arges River in Romania, is undergoing refurbishment that is anticipated to cost €82 million (US$91.3 million), according to

Romania’s 220-MW Vidraru hydro facility to undergo refurbishment

The 220-MW Vidraru hydro facility, on the Arges River in Romania, is undergoing refurbishment that is anticipated to cost €82 million (US$91.3 million), according to

This underground powerhouse, owned by SC Hidroelectrica SA, was commissioned in 1966. It contains four 55-MW vertical Francis turbines. The powerhouse discharges into the reservoir for the Oiesti hydropower plant. Vidraru Dam is a double curvature concrete dam with a height of 166.6 meters and a crest length of 307 meters.

Vidraru is part of the Curtea de Arges hydropower branch, which has a total installed capacity of 601.558 MW.

Hidroelectrica was established in 2000 and has average electricity output of more than 17 TWh annually. The company owns 104 dams and has a total installed electricity generating capacity of 6,442.511 MW.