Reclamation seeks feedback on draft LOPP directive and standard

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has issued and is now seeking public comment on a temporary Reclamation manual release directive and standard.

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has issued and is now seeking public comment on a temporary Reclamation manual release directive and standard.

The directive and standard, titled, Lease of Power Privilege Processes, Responsibilities, Timelines and Charges (FAC TRMR-61), supercedes FAC 04-08.

The bureau said the new directive and standard has been revised to incorporation new process requirements established by Public Law 113-24, includes the Bureau of Reclamation Small Conduit Hydropower and Rural Jobs Act.

Per Reclamation, new process requirements updated in the document include “LOPPs being offered first to irrigation districts or water user associations operating or receiving water from Reclamation transferred or reserved works and establishing timeframes for irrigations districts or water users associations to accept or reject the LOPP offer”.

The draft directive and standard is available for review on Reclamation’s website here.

Comments or questions can be directed to Michael Pulskamp via email. USBR said comments must be received by 5 p.m. on March 28.