Research and Development Reclamation invests $2 million to support promising research projects Elizabeth Ingram 9.5.2024 Share Tags Bureau of Reclamation As part of its Facilitated Adoption Program, the Bureau of Reclamation announced a $2 million investment in nine new projects and continued funding for nine ongoing multi-year projects to support implementation of solutions to water management challenges. Reclamation’s Science and Technology Facilitated Adoption Program provides funding for projects that have demonstrated promising solutions and successful results, helping Reclamation fulfill its mission by implementing those outcomes. The program uses Reclamation staff expertise and experience to address challenges associated with managing water and generating electricity in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. “With a rich legacy of leadership and expertise in water management, these projects build upon the pioneering efforts of innovators.” said Research and Development Program Manager Ken Nowak. “These projects demonstrate Reclamation’s commitments to addressing challenges faced by water managers in the West with cutting-edge solutions.” Reclamation selected the projects through an internal competitive process. Many of the projects are being done in collaboration with internal and external organizations. Partners include technical professionals from federal and state governments, universities, and private and local organizations. Projects awarded funding are: Development and refinement of rotor turning device for safer and more efficient maintenance and diagnostic tasks Evaporation monitoring at Lemon Reservoir and Lake Nighthorse Demonstration and use of advanced 3D measuring techniques using portable laser and arm technology Evaporation monitoring on Lake Powell for water management Turbine air injection testing and implementation Evaluation and validation of fatigue on aging hydro mechanical components using finite element analysis Demonstration of robotic vehicles for inaccessible metallic pipe Utilizing satellite imagery to document increasing sedimentation at Reclamation reservoirs Refurbishment of small diameter embedded pipes in powerplants and dams Click here for details about each project. Reclamation is a federal agency under Interior and is the largest wholesale water supplier and second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the U.S. Related Posts Tapping municipal water supply systems for low-impact hydropower growth PNNL determines U.S. hydropower generation should rise, but climate change brings uncertainty Will data centers disrupt power system adequacy in the U.S. Pacific Northwest? DOE invests $41 million to strengthen, expand marine energy R&D and testing infrastructure